National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) – NGSS@NSTA/STEM Starts Here
Click on Standards for an overview of the NGSS Frameworks as well as a more detailed look at the three Framework components of practices, cross-cutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. Click on Implementation Resources for more information on a variety of topics related to NGSS and STEM.
Next Generation Science Standards
Questions about the NGSS? Get them answered here. Get an overview of the Frameworks as well as a more detailed look at the three Framework components of practices, cross-cutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas.
Bozeman Science – NGSS (videos)
This series of 60 brief videos covers the practices and concepts found in the NGSS as well as disciplinary core ideas for the physical, life, and earth sciences. Learn about integrating concepts in engineering, technology, and society. A very useful collection of videos that will help you become familiar with the NGSS as well as give you ideas for teaching STEM topics.
Secondary Science Modules Aligning with NGSS
This site was created by Dr. Todd Campbell of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at UConn’s Neag School of Education to share units developed by pre-service teachers that align instruction with NGSS.